


  1. I have read from some few platforms, a writeup purported to have been written by my good Friend and Former Colleague DCE, Hon Dr Adam Sulemana Achanso on the above subject. Initially, I did not want to beleive it because it didn’t appear on his own wall as his writeup but from someone who shared it by tagging him on his wall. Well I did not see a disclaimer to it coming from him.
  2. The first question I asked is why should is Gonjaland politicians interested in putting matters of our Traditional Authority in the public domain? This is in reference to the Yagbon Palace construction. Obviously the objective for such a statement is to reap a political benefit without regard to the (un)intended collateral damage it has to the soul and spirit of Gonjaland. These statements have been made severally by the NPP people without those courtesies and the Palace has not blinked an eye just to wink the culprits and bring them to order. In Gonja, a gift when announced at the market square ceases to be what it is but contempt.
  3. I write under a heavy dose of censuresorhip not to repeat the wrong of others but to dispel an implied mischief making the rounds.


  1. The facts surrounding a part of the Jakpa Palace Hall Construction and few attached rooms was an idea mooted by One Hon Emos Mahama, a former Asemblyman for DASS Electoral Area in Damongo, a Teacher, a development worker and a Cadre who was the Presiding Member of the West Gonja Distict Assembly following the model of Hon Alhaji Fridays exemplary leadership of building the Yoo Naa Palace at Savelugu when he Hon Friday was the DCE for Savelugu under Rawlings then.
  2. The request of the Traditional Authority was for renovation works to be done by the West Gonja District Aseembly on the Old Palace but the leadership of Mr Emos and Hon Yakubu Zakaria, the then DCE for West Gonja, saw wisdom in proceeding to start a modest new structure but they needed a buy- in by other District Asseblies within Gonjaland. This was when the Traditional Authority led by the Ag. Traditional Council Registrar, Chief Kechetopowura Siibu alias One Man and the West Gonja District Assembly robbed inn the other two Assemblies of Bole and East Gonja. Remember that Sawla Tuna Kalba, Central Gonja, North Gonja, Kpandai and Recently North East Gonja District Assemblies were not in existence but ther territories now were part of the Traditional 3 Assemblies of Gonjaland. Thanks to the Vision and Leadership of Hon Emos Mahama and his Colleagues in the then West Gonja District Assembly, Chief Kechetowura Siibu alias One Man of the GTC, Hon Yakubu Zakaria, the former DCE of West Gonja and Later Central Gonja and of course his counterparts in Bole and Salaga.
  3. Despite the Well intended efforts of the initiative, the fact remains that the said Structure was not complete up until 2010. Between 2009-2010, Hon Adam Mutawakil alias Galus, Hon Samson Seidu Abudu now Tingawura, Hon Bukaru Shakuru ( Late) replaced by Hon Isaac Mumuni Dramani now Tunawura, Hon Salisu Be-Awuribe and Hon Alhassan Mumuni, DCEs of West, Bole Sawla-Tuna-Kalba, Central Gonja and East Gonja Respectively led their Assemblies to Contribute substantial Portions of their District Assemblies common fund and IGF to complete the Structure. It was a roofed structure but with massive internal works and furnishings yet undone. An enhanced packaged was hurriedly screwed up after the demise of Yagbonwura Bawa Doshi and an obviously new one was in the offen. The structure was not used by Yagbonwura Bawa Doshi not because he doesnt want to use it but obviously that the Structure was incomplete. Of course the Chief Linguist to the Yagbonwura Alhaji Afuli was on our backs whipping the DCEs with his usual customary antics. I must pause here and give special thanks to the then DCE of West Gonja who is now the current MP for Damongo, Adam Mutawakil for the singular effort he artifacts artisans and additional resources to complete the struture
  4. I don’t have the permission to say this but suffice to say that under the Promptng of H.E. John Dramani Mahama, two of his Appointtees who were non Gonjas stepped in took up the Entire Fence Wall round the over 50 acre Land and the Pavement of the Palace Ground. In financial terms and supported my one of our own Mr Ibrahim Mahama of Engineers and planners fame.What the two individuals and Mr Ibrahim Mahama did under the direction of H.E JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA pails the main structure into insignificance. These were private funds deployed, not public funds as we did. The Rest of the story, I reserve it for a future narration when provoked.


  1. There has never been a time when a Gonjalander was coerced into supporting NDC. The NDC is one of the new political Traditions in the Ghanaian political space, founded under the vision of President JJ RAWLINGS. For those of us who are students of politics, it’s a hybrid of the Leftiest Political ideology that took roots in Ghana under President Nkrumah, the Founder of modern Ghana through the CPP and the UP Tradition, a forced Tradition of Ultra Regionalist who later professed to be capitalist. I say a forced Tradition because at the birth of Ghana when we had self Governance with Nkrumah as the leader of Government Business in 1951 up until independence and few years beyond, The National Liberation Movement and Northern peoples Party had nothing in common. The philosophy of NLM at best was a opposed to the Philosophy of Northern Peoples Party and at worse a spite on face of the NPP because the NPP never called for federalism but needed some guarantees from the Central Government to under the century long development Golf between the North and the South. It was principally the so called resource deprivation of the Northern Territories( now Bono East, Oti, Savannah, Northern Region, North East, Upper East and Upper West) that the Federalist NLM were calling for the division of Ghana into Federal units such that resource Rich federations will not be used to develop less endowed Regions like the Northern Territories. So Honourale Osafo Marfo was only reading hymns from their forebearers hymn books. The Name UP came about after the passage by Nkrumah the Avoidance of Discriminate Act which required all political parties to be non discriminatory and to have a national Character. So the Northern Peoples Party who had the Majority then led by S.D Dombo, Yakubu Tali, Mr Adama, Mr Yaka, J.A Braimah later to become Yagbonwura Timu, Kpernaa Alhaji Mumuni Bawumia etc decided to merge with the NLM led by Busia who has himself as the only representative of his Party. The Muslim Party led by Sheik Alpha Ejura of Ambariyya fame was dissolved. Gonjaland Had two Constituencie, West and East Gonja then.
    J.A Braimah won the East Gonja Seat under the Northern Peoples Party and E. A. Mahama, won the West Gonja Seat under CPP. West Gonja started immediately at the Stream at Datoyilli the reason why E.A Mahama, the MP of West Gonja dug the Datoyilli Dam ( locally called Teacherni, a place of Teacher, in honour of Teacher E.A. Mahama) for his people in West Gonja. similar once were dug in Damongo and many other places. In fact, the old still recall his humility, good performance and Stunning “Beauty” with goose bumps. Chief J.A Braimah for his long and distinguished service to the Gonjaland Native Authority as its Registrar was generally admired across board, the reason for his victory as an NPP( Northern Peoples party)Member to represent the People of East Gonja. The B.A Saakas, Mr Jewu, Hon Zakaria( Doliwura Maliks Father) and Many others followed later.

In the PNDC days to our First Elections under this 4th Republican Constitution in 1992, my friend Dr Achanso will agree with me that, it was hard to get even people to identify themselves as NPP in Gonjaland. In many Constitiencies and Wards( In fact the NPP had no polling station Executives then as part of their structure of Political organisation in 1992 unlike the NDC which had its cadres and others as Branch executives at the Polling Stations) it was NDC Chairmen who chose Chairmen for NPP on many occasions and in many places. So you will see that either the NPP Chairman is a brother or Cousin of the NDC Chairman or he is a friend. It was so frustrating to the NPP such that when a high powered delegation of NPP was to visit any town or Constitiency, the leadership of the NPP in the said Constituency will go round to beg NDC members to come and save their faces. Only Few NPP remnats of Progress Party Youth and Leaders with few of their children still remained and joined NPP at the rebirth of Multi Party Democracy in Gonjaland. The remainder of those who supported NPP then were those who suffered from the excesses of the RAWLINGS Revolution and who have not yet forgiven him.

This was the state of NPP in Gonjaand in 1992. This was not by accident. Rawlings was generally admired to the extent of holding him up as if he is a deity with several myths surrounding him all across the North. The North and Gonjaland begun seeing many meaningful developments for the first time under Rawlings. So the Popularity of PNDC and the NDC in Gonjandland was beyond measure. In fact deep down any NPP Parliamentary candidate in 1996 and 2000, they knew that they were just to add up to the number. Their Constituency Executives never realistically believed that they can win. PNC candidates even did better. The scheme of things begun changing in 2001 thereafter when the people realised that parties apart from NDC can also win elections. Then came the monitisation of politics under the Kufour Regime of NPP which led to some camp shifting and youth agitations for not their share of their developments but their share of what will go into their pockets.

  1. One therefore wonders why Dr Achanso who knew this, has lived and experience it all both as a Young Politician then and as former DCE and Parliamentary Candidate will turn round to make such an unfounded claim. Remember he has been twice trounced by John Mahaa as the NPP Parliamentary candidate in Bole. Kudos to him though. He bravely fought an election he Genuinely knew he cannot win but he pulled considerable numbers. By far, he has pulled the greatest percentage of votes for the NPP in the Bole Bamboi Constituency, not one which merits his victory but which shows that he is a force to reckon with. I there say that it is his personal humility which endeared him to his people and not the philosophies of his party. That has been shown in the parliamentary votes against the presidential votes in all constituencies in Savannah.

The critical Question is was Rawlings a Gonja from Savannah to be garnering those huge percentages of votes? Obviously not.


  1. Every Mojor Development in Gonjaland worthy of Praise and raising the quality of life of the People is attributable to the NDC to which John Dramani Mahamas administration cannot be left out.He has played a significant role in the NDCs achievements. Of course, the NPP has done some trifles, comendable though but not enough considering the challenges facing the people of Gonjaland.

I need not remind readers of the numerous Hospitals, Clinics, CHPs compounds and refurbishments which were done across the entire Gonjaland. Neither will I remind readers of the Educational facilities from basic to Tertiary that Gonjalanders had benefitted and continue to benefit under NDC. The individual and collective assistance to people from the Area in terms of Education, health, Entrepreneurship, Business support, Employment in the security, Civil and public services and assistance to further education and jobs abroad are too numerous to recount.

The historic road infrastructure projects and wide Electrification of many communities we have had under NDC and JDM can’t escape mentioning. Is it the Almighty Bole-Bamaboi Roads? Is it the Fufulso-Damongo- Sawla Road, is it the Domeabra-Mpaha-Sheri Road, is it the Tuna- Kong Road, is it the Sawla ‘Dagbiu Road, is it the Bole-Mandari- Chache Road, is it the Bole- Sonyong Road or the Tamale- Salaga -Mankango Road and the Kusawgu- Jukuku Road. The Kintampo-Buipe-Tamale Road and its asphaltic overlay in recent times all can’t escape mentioning. This is just to mention but a few. Water and sanitation systems can’t also be left out. Under John Mahama, Guineaworm was not just eradicated in Ghana but that Gonjaland no more carried the unenviable reputation of being the exporters of Guineaworm in the West African sub region. Courtesy the combined efforts of many stakeholder.

With al these, one would have thought that no NPP person will have the moral courage to criticise NDC in Savannah much more opening the mouth to say unprintable things against Former President John Mahama either in words or in print.

But it seams to me that Nana Addo rewards those who openly Abuse his opponents. And since John Mahama is his nightmare, a Gonjalander who successfully and openly insult John Mahama is patted on his back by Nana Addo Addo and his Appointtees. Mention can be made of Hon Otiko Afisha, Samuel Abu Jinapor, Professor Kalimonia and some Party apartchiks like Frederick Tahiru, Issah, Harisu, etc. I recalled how JDM came to the aid of the Very Harisu when he was unwell. Thank God he has regained his health. May Allah grant him long life and good health. Such is the heart of John Mahama. His humility and support to those who are even openly insulting him is unmatched.

  1. Dr, our people say that in a competitiom of insults between two indigens, one will only be declared a winner if the other forgets. For they all each other well. The NDC youth are not abusive and abrasive of individual in NPP including Nana Addo and Bawumia not because they have non functioning salivary glands nor that they have lost their teeth and tongues but because they have a leadership which doesn’t beleive that insults are the approriate means of campaigning and winning votes. So please advice your people to be civil on air and when they write. If they do, no one will come after them but if they don’t , they may be met in equal measure.


  1. I am just hearing this for the first time that but for the lobbying of Gonjaland NPP Politicians, our Region would not have been carved. Really? I thought Nana Addo had genuine desire to create more Regions based on an objective criteria set and the recommendations of the Brobbey Commission.

I thought the petition of Yagbonwura was stong enough to trigger the creation process. I never knew that the resources and goods of development will only enure to people in Ghana under NPP based on who they have as their members from those areas and their superior lobbying ability? If these claims are true, Why did the Gonjaland NPP sit bye while Kpandai is denied being added to Savannah, it’s natural place it belongs because it was part of the then “Greater” East Gonja and part of Gonjaland. Is the rumour making the rounds that the Kpandai MP and Dominic Nitiwol, Defence Minister True? That they instructed the non inclusion of Kpandai, the reason a Charade of a Reason was given for the Non Inclusion of Kpandai in the referendum to decide whether they should be carved out of Northern Region to form Savannah. Oh I see.

I have heard these calls on Gonjalanders that they should reward Nana Addo in this Elections for Spearheading the creation of the Savannah Region. Some make it subtle as is cleverly put in my friends write up. But others are daring enough to openly make that claim on radio, in meetings of Gonjalanders and in print.

But the facts doesn’t support the claim on the following stated Reasons.

i) The First time a formal petition was presented to a sitting President under this 4th Republican Constitution was the in 2003 or thereabouts by Yagbonwura Bawa Doshi of blessed Memory to President Kufour with Nana Addo as Cabinet Minister. Obviously it might have been discussed at Cabinet. No acknowledgement was given to Gonjaland. Not that I am aware of prompting an urgent Question by a concerned Gonjalander MP

ii) H.E John Mahama then as MP of Bole Bamboi was the Gonjalander MP who first to filed an urgent question in Parliament Questioning the Status of the Yagbonwuras Petition and the demand of the chiefs and people of Gonjaland to have a region carved out for it. This was responded to by the then Chief of Staff to president Kufour, Mr Kojo Mpiani to the effect that it was still being considered but nothing was done thereafter. The King made it a common request to All Flagbearers who visited him from 2004 onwards. It became like the major anchor which attracted Gonjaland Youth to every Annual Congress of the Gonjaland Youth Association.

iii) In 2014, the Northern Regional House of Chiefs passed a unaninous Resolution calling on Government to divide the then Parent Northern Region into at least two Regions.

iv) In all these, non of the two major political parties even captured it in their manifestoes. It was the NDC in 2016 which first captured the creation of 5 additional Regions and the Flagbearer John Mahama was the first to canvass same across the country. Then followed by NPP and Nana Addo who promised to create only one, the Western North Region. From All indications it was clear that if any of the Two major political parties win power, additional Region(s) will be created. The only difference was the number and where it shall be. The reason President Nana Addo made the gaffe when addressing a delegation from the North that he will create a Region in the Eastern Part of Northern Region without mentioning Gonjaland. This Prompted a wave of agitations actiss both Gonjaland to the effect that no part of their land shall be divided between two Regions and another one led by the Konkomba Chiefs and in Eastern Dagbong for a Region to be created for them with its capital at Yendi. The result of inadequate thoughts.

v) It therefore came as a matter of natural consequence for NPP and Nana Addo to have put in the machinery to trigger same because if NDC had been retained under John Mahama, it was bound to also happen.

vi) Conscious of the fact that a positive recommendation by the Brobbey Commission isn’t just enough without mobilising the masses to come out in their numbers to cast their votes, also conscious of the fact that the NDC control over 70% of the Regions votes, John Mahama didn’t just put his party machinery to support that move but also contributed financially towards that agenda. In deed he is the single largest contributor to that project and justifiably so. This explained the reasons why some of us were also very active in both the Commissions hearing and commission’s canvassing for votes. So the Project was looked at not as a partisan project and our Chiefs and Gonjalad Youth Leadershiped urged us all to do so. It therefore surprises me that such a project will be arrogated to NPP and Nana solely.

So if anybody is feeling coerced, he should beware that he is exercising a judgment to which his colleague members in the society thinks it’s not appropriate. The Values which permeate all ethnic groups in Gonjaland is to respect elders, use decent Language especially when speaking of people above your social standing and to respect the feeling of others. Familial bonds must also be respected.

It is therefore not wrong to put your eggs in one BASKET if that basket is strong enough to hold them firmly together.

However you may stand to loose greatly if you separate your eggs into two baskets, just for the sake of separation knowing that the baskets are not just weak but leaking.

(Former DCE, Central Gonja and current Savannah Regional Secretary of NDC)

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