The students representatives council of the university of Cape Coast has assured its cherished students around the glob of an effective electronic learning platform in this time of partial lockdown in the country.
According to Abdu Hamid,the SRC president,the SRC in their communiqué referenced UCC/SRC/19-20/61,highlighted the need for a platform to keep students active on academic works while the entire students stay home in observance of the lockdown and social distancing protocols.
“We also stressed that plansare far advanced towards this direction and that full details of the platform will be released officially in due time while the University has directed lecturers and has provided lecturers withmanuals to guide them mount their course materials onto theplatform.” Fidel Osei Agyeman, the public relations officer revealed.
According to Rene Asare,the SRC secretary,the University shall communicate every single detailed directive regarding the E – Learning platform through the Students Portal when it becomes ready for the patronage of all students.
” All students are encouraged to frequently visit their Portal henceforth and advised that students stay calm whiles observing all the world health organization’s precautionary measures and prepare for any new development.” René Asare added.
Source: www.xplonlinegh.com
Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi