
How To Feel Good In Lockdown by Ariel, The Wellness Coach

Wellness Tips ( Part 1 )

Starting tomorrow ACC is on lockdown. You may be prepared or not. There’s been the list of items to buy to stock the house all over. There has been mainly food items, toiletries, vegetable, medication, etc I am here to give you some very special wellness tip to add to all your stuff from tomorrow. Actually, mine is the easiest, all it requires is time and you have a lot on your hands now.

Capsized travel plans, indefinite isolation, panic over scarce resources and information overload could be a recipe for unchecked anxiety and feelings of isolation. Here are a few pointers that could help you survive spiraling negative thoughts about this uncertain time.

You can’t choose how the news should be reported. You can’t choose how people decide to interpret the president’s decision. You can’t choose what people choose to post around. You cant choose what movie dstv should show or the music a radio station should play. But you have one choice and that is, you can choose how you feel through this all. Just choose you!

The first wellness tip is to look for things to be grateful for. This is the first magic wand you have. For once you are not on leave and there’s no work on a Monday morning. we have been waiting for the time to do nothing and it has come. This is a lot to be grateful for. Then look around your home and be grateful for every single thing at your disposal. This tip is the secret to all magic. Just saying thank you in every circumstance can help you triumph.

arielthewellnesscoach #sunday #grateful #lockdown #anxiety #mental #loving #selfcare #positive #isolation #panic

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