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Details of the Military man educating people in Trotro about lockdown.

We pressed here earlier on one Military man who took his time to educate some people in a Trotro on the importance of lockdown as opposed to abusing them which we see a lot of other Military men do.

His identity has been uncovered. His name according to what we’ve gathered is Lt. Col. Michael Kwame Afreh Mfum.

Lt. Col. Michael Kwame Afreh Mfum has won the heart of many.

In the viral video he was heard saying:

“…but it is better than losing your lives. Go through the hardships in the house, it is better than losing your lives. It is better than you leaving this world. Your maker up there has a purpose for you so please stay home.”, he was heard saying in the video.

“I hope you understand what I am saying. Make it very easy for everybody. We all have our families, we could have been staying with our family back home but we’re out here working for God and the country and then for you so please stay home, don’t make it difficult for us”, he concluded.

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