
CODVID 19 : Bono RCC rolls out pragmatic measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

Folowing the continuous review of the situation in relation with the novel corona virus pandemic in the region,the Bono regional coordinating council has rolled out pragmatic measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

In a press release, the Bono regional minister Evelyn Kumi Richardson said  upon the technical advice of the regional health directorate andthe regional security council,it came in necessary and urgent to protect the boarders of the region.

According to the release,all municipal or district Security Councils should continue to meet as and when the need arise to monitor the movement of people especially at the country’s western boarders to prevent the influx of foreign nationals into the region.

Again , barricades will  be mounted at all entry points of the region to regulate themovement of  unknown persons into the region for the  purpose of controlling the spread of the virus.

“The use and patronage of the new Indian begyai motors known in local parlance as  Pragyia for carrying of persons for commercial purposes is banned henceforth”  Madam Richardson hammered – on.

 Adding, ” all assembly members within the region are to play an active role in identifying and monitoring the presence of visitors and strangers whoare not  known in the communities and to report to the district public health emergency management committees headed by the chief executives.” 

The Bono regional minister again encouraged all assembly Members and unit committee members in the various electoral areas to form Community Watch dog Committees for surveillance to help locate strange persons in the localities.

In order to make social distancing more effective,all the chief executives in the region were charged to meet leaders of  Market and women associations,owners of public places  to discuss arrangements towards selling in batches and turns as soon as possible and obeying the social distancing protocols.

 The minister later tasked the national commission for civic education ( NCCE) , the Ghana broadcasting corporation ( GBC), the information services department ( ISD) and all stakeholders to educate the people of the region and beyond on the need for social distancing and regular hand washing with an alcohol based sanitizers,

Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi

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