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A CALL ON NUGS FOR ACTION,Student loan Beneficiaries cry out.

It had not been too long when students from various tertiary institutions who are beneficiaries of the student loan scheme protested for the delay in the disbursement of funds and for the early release of funds for last academic semester and the subsequent semesters respectively.

Beneficiaries thought that the rightful channel to get their grievances laid before the student loan trust fund and to get their funds released to them is to draw the attention of the National Union of Ghana students (NUGS) being the students governing body. Undoubtedly, the attention seeking write-ups and some actions got the attention of the student’s leadership.

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS), upon hearing the challenges being faced by the students decided to hold a press conference to address this crucible ordeal. In the press conference, the leadership of NUGS expressed on behalf of beneficiaries the dissatisfaction and the enormous challenges faced by beneficiaries of the student loan scheme which is negatively affecting student’s academic life. An ultimatum of two (2) weeks was given to the student loan trust fund to ensure the release of funds to beneficiaries to get them back to their schools to continue their studies.

Students were encouraged to be placid and to desist from actions which could cause an uproar. With this, students had the hope that NUGS will fight our fight for us. All hope is not yet lost. We can’t express disappointment now, for the fight for the release of funds has not yet been successful. We can’t say NUGS as students governing body has failed the fight against the disbursement of funds.

All we seek now is for NUGS to know that, the delay in disbursement has caused students a great challenge in the academic life. Over the past few years, the delay in payment is negatively affecting the academic lives of many students which is unbearable.

We are therefore appealing to the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) again to probe into the cause of this plague of delay in disbursement and to ensure payment as soon as possible. An ultimatum of one (1) week is given for actions to be taken, else students will have alternate ways to get funds released.

NUGS must speak for us.
Student Loan scheme must hear us.

Thank you.
Enning Richnard Aboagye
Student Activist

University of Education, Winneba – Kumasi
Bsc. Accounting Education

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