
Emotionally unbalanced minority leader in a juvenile stunt- ER Tescon coordinator

By Charles Opoku (Eastern Regional TESCON Coordinator & ER Communications Team Member)

The juvenile stunt pulled by Hon. Haruna Iddrisu (Minority Leader) in parliament this evening was simply below the permissible threshold of undignified conduct on the part of a leader of any of the caucuses in Parliament.

He was virtually dog-paddling in the bedraggled gutters – throwing needless tantrums all over and maligning the Speaker – without just cause, a very unfortunate and shameful conduct.

The discretionary power given to Mr. Speaker by the Standing Orders to make determination on matters not written in black and white in the Orders is elementary to even students of Parliamentary practice, not to talk of a Minority Leader who has been in the house for over a decade.

It is a fact that indefinite suspension of sittings is not capture in the Standing Orders of Parliament. But going by Order 6 which states that “in all cases not provided for in these Orders Mr. Speaker shall make provisions as he deems fit”, Mr. Speaker did not err when he “Suspended Sittings Indefinitely” taking cognizance of the abnormal times we find ourselves in and the possibility that Parliament may be compelled by a pressing need to assemble with alacrity.

Assuming without a shred of concession that Mr.. Speaker erred by “Suspending Sittings Indefinitely”, was that the wisest approach for the Minority leader to adopt to correct the said wrong? Hell No!!!

The Standing Orders provide clear guidelines relative to how such wrongs should be corrected but as it was evident in the kind of shades, name calling, innuendos, and tantrums the Minority Leader was throwing about, he simply ceased an undignified opportunity to settle scores with Mr. Speaker. And in so doing, he made nonsense of the very Standing Orders he deceptively claimed to be protecting.

Haruna Iddrisu, this evening, has shown the world that he’s not emotionally intelligent: he has no respect for the image of Parliament: he can sacrifice the dignity and integrity of Parliament to get at people he has some level of disagreements with. This is very shameful.

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